Discovered deep in the Amazon in 1991, Fukidako are an avian species thought once to be extinct.
'Ruby' is the only live Fukidako still in captivity.
Plans to repopulate the species through cloning have been abandoned since an incident in 1998,
however scientists have examined her body and behaviour with the best tools available
to bring answers about this critically endangered species to light.
- A - Simple eyes suggest this species was once a bred for cuteness and kept as pets.
- B - Unlike most birds, Fukidako have no beak. It's likely past civilisations associated the three openings on Fukidako mouths with religious practices.
- She's fascinated by the tools people use to communicate - particularly translation, localisation, print, and other traditional media forms.
- Her goal is to work in the publishing industry in Japan.
- Ruby has explored and honed a variety of interests.
- She has been a hobbyist pixel artist, writer, reviewer, translator, essayist, and mediator to four siblings.
- When she isn't thinking of the next hill to die on, she is usually reading something in Japanese.